A scrap yarn ripple afghan — crochet and photo by Leslie Stahlhut

Crochet Affirmation №53

Leslie Stahlhut
Apr 14, 2021


A little work doesn’t daunt me. — Nancy Drew

Like Nancy Drew, we can sometimes find ourselves facing what seems like an unending task — ends to be tied, stitches to be counted, and rows to be crocheted. But the beauty and peril of crochet is this: you can only make one stitch at a time, and while if you think about all that lies ahead you can become paralyzed, if you simply more forward one stitch at a time, you will eventually reach your goal.



Leslie Stahlhut
Crochet Affirmations

Crocheter on a mission to make the world a better place — one stitch at a time. Twitter: @crochetbug. Crochet blog: https://www.crochetbug.com