Do not let the blood donation folks off the hook.
I ended up with low ferritin when the company collecting my blood knew for seven-and-a-half weeks that my iron levels were dangerously know and failed to inform me in a timely manner. The letter, when they finally sent it in January of 2023, had a date indicating that it had been generated in November of 2022.
Women of certain age, which I, like your wife, was, need to be told to be more cautious when donating. Sadly, your wife's situation is the second that I know of where there was seriously bodily injury (I knew a woman who fell, hit her head, and suffered some other complication as a result).
As much as your wife likes to be giving of herself, sometime the thing you need to give is someone who is younger and more resilient the opportunity to take over.
I hope your wife continues to improve.