I knew when I made the comment there was a 99.99999% chance the account would be suspended, because if you don't have a blue checkmark and you say you think someone is a c**t, you are courting Twitter disaster, but I also thought what I said was less offensive than her endorsment of Piers Morgan.
Here is a man who was probably behind the Rupert Murdoch phone hacking scandal, but who managed to skate, and she is standing up for him? I guess all I have to do is look at the fact that she chose to marry a man who bit the head off a live bat for entertainment to know that she doesn't have values that are important to me.
As for Piers, he is his own trainwreck about to derail. He's an angry old man pissed off that Meghan Markle decided that once she met him in person she didn't want to communicate with him again. I don't think he would have found her honest evaluation less offensive than the ghosting he got.