Member-only story
I Made a Thing!
Trying to get stuff done in a pandemic
In early March when it became clear that a global pandemic would likely be declared and the world would come to a surreal sort of halt, I had fantasies about all of the things I would get done while sequestered at home.
- I would get my yard weeded.
- I would organize my closets.
- I would write a book. Maybe two.
- I would sweep the floors. Daily.
But it hasn’t worked out as I imagined it would, and while I have made progress, I have not completed even one of the items on my pandemic chore bingo card.
Shifting priorities
Part of that is due to the fact that the pandemic has changed the way I experience time, and my priorities have shifted in ways I didn’t know they would.
One thing is that I am less willing to put off an immediate desire to that elusive and future “someday.” If I want buckwheat pancakes with blueberry compote for dinner, “someday” is now. And since I had the foresight to stock up on buckwheat flour well before the pandemic, it is also something I am prepared to make. And if I don’t have any blueberries, I can make an apple-based compote instead.